Botanical Garden
Queering Sports
Class engagement suggestions
Mid-term assessment
Zine Camp

In this logbook, I made a selection of photos I took during classes of the minor Cultural Diversity and what the discussed topics in class made me feel at that moment. I decided to do this major, because I heard many postitive things about it, from different people. A while ago, I ran into a girl I knew from back when I studied Lifestyle & Design at Willem de Kooning Academy. She invited me to sit down and have a talk with her cultural diversity class. After that, two of my friends recommended me this minor. I felt a bit hesitant to go back to WDKA after all the negative experiences I've had there, but I also saw it as a chance to find peace and understanding.
Czar Kristoff workshop/ presentation intervention
Exercise 1 presentation
Cultural Diversity
Noƫlla Awasai
Book recommendations